What Comes When the Global Carbon Budget Is Gone? The CRO and a Negative Carbon Economy

What Comes When the Global Carbon Budget Is Gone? The CRO and a Negative Carbon Economy

At our present GHG emissions level, it is clear that emission reductions alone will not limit global surface temperature increase to the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C by end of century. Justin Macinante, PhD, MEL, LLB, a Climate Change Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh Law School, presents a proposed mechanism that could drive the necessary CO2 removals — and meet the Paris target.

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Reclaiming Narratives: Harnessing the SDGs to Empower Local Voices

Reclaiming Narratives: Harnessing the SDGs to Empower Local Voices

Throughout Syria’s war, committed changemakers have worked to expand the narrative and to cultivate empathy for those affected. Lena Arkawi, MIA, founded Sourceable, Inc with a group of Columbia graduate students to enable citizen journalists to share their stories in real-time with media and NGOs. In this blog, she shares how their work is guided by the principles of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Climate Art: A Forum for Re-visioning

Climate Art: A Forum for Re-visioning

Trisha Bauman, M.Sc., Principal at TJBauman, LLC and ISSP Governing Board President, offers how climate art allows our capacity to re-vision as a community. It enables diverse identities to come together to investigate ideas, share reflections, express feelings, and invoke imaginations: human experiences that are essential to transforming the very systems driving our polycrisis threats.

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“Oh, my furniture is floating” — A Look into Promoting Flooding and Heat Stress Resilience in Self-build Housing

“Oh, my furniture is floating” — A Look into Promoting Flooding and Heat Stress Resilience in Self-build Housing

Bobuchi Ken-Opurum, PhD, Founder of Re-HOUSED Decision Support Toolkit and Director of Research at Texas Energy Poverty Research Institute, shares a people-centered approach to successfully meeting the challenges of flooding and heat stress in the tropical Global South. Recognized by the 2023 Forbes 30 Under 30 list, Ken-Opurum's Re-HOUSED engages with frontline communities to create scalable, bottom-up resilience and adaptive capacity.

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Six Things Every Business Can Do to Waste Less Food

Six Things Every Business Can Do to Waste Less Food

If global food waste were a country, it would be the third largest GHG emitter in the world. Yet more than the food industry needs to be involved if we are to make a dent in reducing this problem—and reap the environmental, economic, and social benefits that will yield. Dana Gunders, Executive Director of ReFED, shares easy actions any sustainability leader can take at their own company.

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On the Move: Urban Mobility as a Vehicle for Global Transformation and Progress Towards the SDGs

On the Move: Urban Mobility as a Vehicle for Global Transformation and Progress Towards the SDGs

UN leaders from around the world are gathering in New York City this month at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development to discuss progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Chhavi Maggu, MEng, SEP, Sustainability Strategy Manager at Accenture and ISSP Governing Board Treasurer, looks at the issue of urban mobility and its tangible impact on our capacity to continue to advance toward the goals.

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Ocean Revitalization: Collective Business Action for the Ocean

Ocean Revitalization: Collective Business Action for the Ocean

Although vast and diverse, the ocean is “out of sight and out of mind” for many. Yet, it drives global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind and is economically critical to the whole of humanity, from 90% of international trade to offshore energy resources increasingly supplying low-carbon wind energy, the promise of major wave, current and tidal energy, and up to 30% of hydrocarbons. Paul Holthus, Founding President and CEO of the World Ocean Council, offers a valuable look into our blue planet—much of our oceans beyond national jurisdiction and thus constituting our global commons—and its dire need of revitalization. Only through coordinated, international business action can we hope to meet SDG #14: to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.

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The Biodiversity Conundrum: Building a Shared Future

The Biodiversity Conundrum: Building a Shared Future

It has taken the world almost 40 years to (largely) accept that climate change is happening, but the world doesn’t have another 40 years to accept that biological diversity faces accelerating diminution from anthropogenic behaviors. Biodiversity—its successes and its failures—is a critical sounding board for the long-term sustainability of all life, including human life, on our planet. Vicki Brady, MSc, FEIANZ, CEnvP, President of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) and Environment Business Partner at AGL Energy, shares a call-to-action for environmental and sustainability practitioners everywhere: unite as we have never done before in a global, coordinated, and sustained effort to use the best science we have to advance positive ecological projects.

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Empowering Women and Girls and Addressing One of the Most Pressing Global Challenges: An Earth Day Message

Empowering Women and Girls and Addressing One of the Most Pressing Global Challenges: An Earth Day Message

Without the balanced socio-economic empowerment of women and girls, building a healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable future is an impossibility. On the occasion of Earth Day 2022, Shannon P Marquez, PhD, MEng, Dean of Global Engagement at Columbia University; Faculty, Columbia Climate School and Mailman School of Public Health, encourages us all to choose a regenerative future through empowering women and girls and addressing one of the most pressing global challenges in our lifetime—universal access to water and sanitation.

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Corporate Water Strategy: Where We Were and Where We're Going

Corporate Water Strategy: Where We Were and Where We're Going

Water is essential for healthy ecosystems, socio-economic development, social well-being, and for human survival itself. In recognition of World Water Day on 22 March, Will Sarni, Founder & CEO at Water Foundry and Founder & General Partner at the Colorado River Basin Fund, looks at the ways in which water management and regulatory compliance alone are no longer a viable corporate water strategy. There is now a pressing need to address “outside the fence line” water issues such as scarcity, poor quality, inequity in access to safe drinking water, and the impacts of climate change. While regulatory compliance for water and associated management practices are the cornerstone of a corporate water strategy, they do not deliver the full value to corporations, communities, and other stakeholders. There is an opportunity to do more. And we must capitalize on it now.

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The ISSB Can Make Chief Sustainability Officers More Relevant or Less Relevant — They Have to Choose

The ISSB Can Make Chief Sustainability Officers More Relevant or Less Relevant — They Have to Choose

With the launch of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), sustainability reporting will move from NGOs and done on a voluntary basis to securities regulators and done on a mandated basis. What will this mean for a Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)? Robert G. Eccles, PhD, Visiting Professor of Management Practice at the Said Business School, University of Oxford, forewarns that CSOs could become more marginalized, less relevant to the strategic and capital allocation decisions of the company where they work. Or it could make them more central to their company's strategic decision-making. It all depends on how the CSO handles the situation and their relationship with the CFO.

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