ISSP has led the development of a definitive Sustainability Professionals’ Body of Knowledge for the profession since 2010. That ongoing work, coordinated with ISSP members and dozens of subject-matter experts, has culminated in the publication of two study guides, a set of flashcards, and practice exams that help prospective credential-holders prepare to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by sustainability practitioners. More than preparing candidates to sit for the Sustainability Excellence credentialing exams, these materials offer an in-depth description of our field and can be used as professional reference guides in both academic and field settings.


A Special Invitation: If you are interested in our next version update to the Sustainability Professionals Body of Knowledge, please feel free to reach out to us through our contact form. We’re engaging subject matter experts from around the globe in small working groups to assess how our profession has changed and what cutting-edge knowledge is key to success moving forward!