Sustainability In Action
12/08/16 — Holiday Networking Reception
To celebrate the holidays and ISSP-NYC's inaugural year, chapter members and guests gathered for a festive holiday networking reception, at the home of ISSP-NYC Founder Mark Wolf.
Leaders In Sustainability
10/20/16 — Sustainability For Competitive Advantage
Event Chair and ISSP-NYC Founding Co-Chair Trisha Bauman invited Tensie Whelan, Director of the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business, to offer a breakfast keynote to Chapter members and colleagues. The former president of the Rainforest Alliance, Whelan discussed how the emphasis on quarterly performance destroys value for both the enterprise and society. By contrast, companies managing for environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are demonstrating better short- and long-term financial results. Whelan invited an open discussion on the ways in which embedding sustainability into a company’s core business strategy can drive innovation, risk reduction, stakeholder trust, and impressive financial results.
Sustainability In Action
9/26/16 — Idle Threat
In partnership with the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), ISSP-NYC screened the award-winning documentary Idle Threat, produced and directed by George Pakenham. Idle Threat recounts Pakenham’s struggle with the City of New York and the New York Police Department to ensure more effective enforcement of New York’s law against engine idling, a law that is critical to reducing dangerous levels of carbon emissions. EDF Senior Fellow and Senior Attorney Isabelle Silverman, who is featured in the film, joined Pakenham for a post-screening Q&A discussion.
Leaders In Sustainability
9/16/16 — From Sustainability To Regenerative: What You Can Do To Help Humanity From Total System Collapse
Hunter Lovins, President of Natural Capitalism Solutions and a member of the ISSP Sustainability Hall of Fame, joined ISSP-NYC to give a Leaders In Sustainability breakfast keynote. Invited by Event Chair and Founder & Co-Chair Mark Wolf, Lovins presented an inspiring talk, offering insights on our global crises, a positive view of progress made, and how each of us can craft a life of service and meaning by building a better world for all of humanity. A networking reception followed the keynote and Q&A discussion.
Sustainability In Focus
7/28/16 — Ocean Frontiers II
ISSP-NYC screened Green Fire Productions’ award-winning documentary Ocean Frontiers II. With brilliant cinematography, the film recounts how New England coastal communities are meeting the challenges of increased sea traffic, energy-industry development, and climate change. Moderated by ISSP-NYC Founding Co-Chair Trisha Bauman, a post-screening panel, including Noah Chesnin, Policy Program Manager for the Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) New York Seascape Program; Matt Gove, Mid-Atlantic Policy Manager for the Surfrider Foundation; and George Povall, Leader of All Our Energy, discussed the newly-released Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Action Plan. The evening concluded with a networking reception overlooking Rockefeller Plaza.
Sustainability In Action
6/23/16 — Sustainability Certification: Is It Right For You? What Does It Mean For The Profession?
ISSP Executive Director Maureen Hart, joined ISSP-NYC for a comprehensive information session on ISSP Sustainability Professional Certification: what it is, how it works, what it will do for you, and what is required. Hart led a lively discussion on the ISSP professional certification and offered insights on the growing job market in the sustainability sector.
Leaders In Sustainability
9/16/16 — Scaling Carbon-Neutral Operations Across Global Restaurant & Retail Chains
Doug Satzman, CEO of Le Pain Quotidien, and Arnaud Brohé, PhD, CEO of CO2logic US presented breakfast keynotes and then joined a panel discussion led by ISSP-NYC Founding Co-Chair Trisha Bauman on Scaling Carbon-Neutral Operations Across Global Restaurant & Retail Chains. The discussions focused on strategies and insights for scaling carbon-neutral operations across global chains and diverse markets. Le Pain Quotidien is on target to go carbon-neutral by 2020 in all of their restaurant operations across 18 countries.
Sustainability In Focus
4/25/16 — Love Thy Nature
In celebration of Earth Week 2016, ISSP-NYC co-sponsored the New York City screening of Love Thy Nature, an award-winning documentary narrated by actor Liam Neeson. Through brilliant cinematography, the film tells how our renewed connection with the natural world is central to not only our personal well-being, but also to solving our global climate and environmental crises. Following the screening, the film's director, writer and producer, Sylvie Rokab, joined the audience for a Q&A discussion.
Sustainability In Action
3/15/16 — Spring Networking Reception
ISSP-NYC members and guests gathered at the Manhattan restaurant Avra for a spring networking reception for NYC area sustainability professionals. The evening included a raffle to win a copy of Michel Gelobter's Lean Startups for Social Change: The Revolutionary Path to Big Impact, with raffle proceeds going to the Environmental Defense Fund.
Sustainability In Action
12/07/15 — Holiday Networking Reception
ISSP-NYC members and guests gathered at the PRINT Restaurant at the Ink48 Hotel in New York for the Chapter's kick-off holiday networking reception. Among the country’s leading farm-to-table restaurants, PRINT is dedicated to seasonal, sustainable cuisine. The reception closed with a raffle offering of a copy of Greener Products: The Making and Marketing of Sustainable Brands by Al Iannuzzi, PhD. All raffle proceeds were donated to the Environmental Defense Fund.
Leaders In Sustainability
12/02/15 — Why The World Needs Greener Products
Al Iannuzzi, PhD, Senior Director of Worldwide Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability at Johnson & Johnson, joined ISSP-NYC members and guests for a breakfast keynote focusing on the crucial next step in sustainability: the making and marketing of greener products on the global scale. During his tenure at J&J, Iannuzzi developed the company's Healthy Planet Sustainability Goals and led the company's Global Product Stewardship program. He is the author of the acclaimed Greener Products: The Making and Marketing of Sustainable Brands.
Leaders In Sustainability
10/14/15 — Leveraging The Cultural and Market Influence of Sports to Promote Sustainable Communities
The ISSP-NYC Chapter launched with a Leaders In Sustainability breakfast keynote featuring Allen Hershkowitz, PhD, Co-Founder and President of the Green Sports Alliance. Hershkowitz spoke with ISSP-NYC members and guests about the strategic influence and on-the-ground accomplishments of the sports greening movement. No other sector or media platform has the cultural visibility and market reach of the sports industry, and Dr. Hershkowitz made clear that the sustainability community can strategically leverage that visibility to achieve unparalleled positive impact. The event closed with a networking reception.